Wednesday 6 July 2011

Mr Deeds Goes To Town

Frank Capra - 1936
Let's look at this great lighting (accentuated in the rain...). We generally have a strong light from back, diagonally left or right behind and strongly on the air. We then have a second backlight, from the other diagonal. And then one from a more obvious key position, diagonally in front, often below. This is tthe three-point design.
The direction uses moves that can go in, tracking along. It is fast cutting again, with long takes mixed in; no hard and fast rules.
As far as content, Capra is clever enough to not make Deeds stupid, or idiotic, which could be annoying and superior. We can see from the start that Deeds is usually pretty sensible 'just common sense'; he doesn't really do anything that nuts. Capra's solution is to look for a 'nice capitalism', (Deeds' goodness is shown by his 'common business sense'), so his solutions are not great. But what is is Capra's wish, the beautiful wish for a better world. This, combined with a sense of cinematic possibilities (various uses of the atrium) make for a fine work.

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