Friday, 22 April 2011

Judex (1916)

Louis Feuillade's 1916 serial
I lot of time spent mulling over things that have already occurred/ worrying about them. Fitful action in the first third, but doesn't really have the suspense or the surprises of Fantomaas. Much slower, in mis-en-scene and plot. Much more characterisation, build up. Saying that, don't see Judex for the start.
Judex comes across as strange, completely twisted at the start, which turns out to be the point. Often seen backlit.
Visually, some fine images, often with backlighting, though a few near the end with some friend. Still camera, but a variety of framings, some editing around. Heads often very high or very low, different framing conventions. Generally chaarcters already in scene, acting, when it starts. Twisty, intricate patterns all over the sets. Busts on the walls.
Musidora is as always fantastic, doesn't quite get the action here, but some nice looks and so on. Judex comes across well at the end, but this film doesn't really have one centre. Still pretty excellent, but certainly a different, slower, tradition than the Vampires legacy.

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