Wednesday, 6 April 2011


1967 feature from Jean Rouch
This is more fragmentary than its most easily easily comparable picture, ‘Moi, Un Noir’. Their is a sense of various strands of lives and societies coming together. There is thus less of a guiding thread of the imaginary individual reality as the personal and the political, the latter quite objectively, combine in a montage of images.
Again, the technique of post-production essentially commentaries for the protagonists adds a dream-like, gloriously repetitious, air to the image. In this, again, there is less of a sharp line through it than before; the commentary is meandering, the characters/ people interrupt each other and frequently laugh or react seemingly quite spontaneously to the images.
This film has the same air of discovery as ‘Moi, Un Noir’, with a wider base to cover, it does become disconnected, but still offers a bewildering array of fine images, and their achievement through sound.

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