Friday, 8 April 2011

Cave Of Forgotten Dreams

Herzog's latest documentary.
This isn't Herzog's best documentary; indeed even he seems a little apologetic at times. The caves are obviously remarkable, but they really call for a philosophical analysis, which is not Herzog's forte. The search for eccentrics doesn't really take off. Perhaps Herzog has become uneasy about his long takes, sense of absurdity about individuals, with perhaps a slightly greater sense of empathy. We have a pretty down the line piece here.
The caves are tough to film, but documented well enough (not that the scientist's own records are exactly inaccurate). There detail, subtedly, and shadings indeed come as quite a surprise. The commentary throws out the same dates in a slightly stunned manner, not quite knwing what to make of them.
Indeed, Herzog's particular brand of magical thinking does sometimes result in a kind of open-eyed wonder. We are told we are spiritual; but why can't we 'know'. These aren't so much explained. This film is interesting, curious, and an object of wonder; but for critical thought, it falls away.

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