Tuesday, 19 July 2011

The Tree Of Life

Terrence Malick - 2011
This really is a pretty terrible. Let me try and say something nice first; Malick does use images when he wants an emotion, a feeling, or whatever rather than words. This doesn't mean he is a visual storyteller; there is no real story hear to speak of, certainly none of any complexity.
This is an unattractive film. Shot with handheld or steadycam swooping about. It is postcardism constantly, one big pretty pciture. Turns out things look pretty damn big if you film them from a low angle. And that the golden hour, constantly over and over again, is quite pretty. That's about it, except for some abstract graphics. No real interest in compostion or content or anything, just orangey light and sillouhettes, or gauzes, over and over again. Insipid.
And cliche after cliche follow in the action; of what 'cruel children' is, of what 'fun' is, and so on. There is a complete lack of imagination. There is no complexity.
Of course, the philosophy is at once idiotic and massively offensive. Incredinly rich people, out of a Gap advert, have a bit of mumbo jumbo. The two or so non-WASPS they come across are aesthetic events, curious for the fact of their existence. Their is even a weird part where it is suggested that, and I think this was accidental, you need to be rich to be happy. Though I sure as well don't want to be happy if it's Malick's idea.
The only not completely empty thing here is the 'Death Of A Salesman' Brad Pitt parts, which are all the same massively underdeveloped, undermined, and so familiar as to offer nothing really of interest. The mother is a complete blockhead. This is really a vapid, ugly, dull, stupid film.

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