Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Chinese Roulette

Rainer Werner Fassbinder - 1976
Not my favourite Fassbinder, but some interesting stuff. The people move around at a glacial pace, delivering carefully preprepared lines, very precise lines. The staging is self-consciously complex. The camera does a hell of a lot of racking, so there is a bit of depth. It is constantly taking another look at the characters, going for a new angle, grouping different ones together. This film is really all about the changing emotional dynamics.
The plot isn't really, for my little brain, explained clearly enough, so what should be imbued with tension is rather confusing. Perhaps this is what made me notice the complete lack of sense of humour, lightness of touch in that confined sense, in Fassbinder ('no one's ever happy, they just haven't heard the bad news yet') here rather than in other films with equal themes.
Feat of children, how they ruin erotic and emotional lives. Sadism, revenge, power of others, are all here, and explored in, to be fair, quite some detail. And Anna Karina is in it, she has huge eyes.

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