Sunday, 19 June 2011

Key Largo

John Huston - 1948
This is nuts and bolts direction, wuth cutting that is really surprisingly fast at times. There is an odd part where Bogart and Bacall are just walking along, minding their own business. Their is also more telling than showing, which we're finding rather familiar in Huston.
This film is pretty pleasurable... partly perhaps due to some good lighting decisions, their are more fills than hardcore noir, but spots shine through this on to the sides of faces, to create a harsh, dirty effect. The acting is very impressive also. Robinson and Bogart are special as always, but Bacall's primness here is the true wonder. She isn't that harsh, she seems, in fact, happy.
This is deeply theatrical. Static zig-zag deep framings in a single location. It is an interesting play, with a little bit of O'Neill. And a decent enough film, if no more.

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