Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Heaven Can Wait

Ernst Lubitsch - 1943
An analysis of love and lust, or most convincingly of aging, filmed in technicolour. Against the bourgois backdrop, almost completely indoors. There is some nice filming of doors; that Lubitsch can do this shows something rather remarkable. Gene Tierneyu's enture youthful frivolity is demonstrated although his parent's house is never left.
Lubitsch doesn't seem to really go beyond a kind of keening romanticism, courtly love, as far as I can see. This is, I must admit, a little disquieting. His direction uses emphaseses well, in its deeply (indeed, they say creating it) classical SRS, fluid movements, and first of all establishing.
As far as love vs lust goes; we have sympathy, and Lubitsh is nicelt grown up about it, how connection can still flourish. Lubitsch is sexy, but not at all smutty; he takes sex seriously, that is, he sees it is fun, and fun shouldn't be demeaned.

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