Sunday, 20 March 2011

Machorka- Muff / Nicht Versohnt / Introduction to Schoenberg’s ;Music to Accompany A Scene for a film’

Various shorter, early works from Daniele Huillet and Jean-Marie Straub: Straub-Hullet
Machorka- Muff (1962, 17’); Boll novel. Terrific. Use of high and low angles. High contrast. Razor sharp. Fast montage once or twice. Smooth moves in and out on longer scenes. Always exciting camerawork. Darting about locations. Doesn’t follow action; things happen offscreen.
Nicht Versohnt (1964-1965, ’50); Boll novel. More laconic than before, but similar. Depth of sharp focus. Direct political ‘message’/ show of reality. Similar formally to above. Exciting oans. Use of frequent asymmetric framings. Both of the above exploit an effective voiceover.
Introduction to Schoenberg’s ‘Music to Accompany A Scene for a film’ (1972, ’16); repetition enhances, the use of deliberately grainy work. Bores the message of the work into you. Dissolution at the end. Asking to concentrate

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