Sunday, 27 February 2011

The Last Laugh

F.W. Murnau, 1924, innovative, but that seems almost besides the point....
Manichean black and white stock, shocking, and photography
Use of light and shining/ out of dark, into light
Almost as though wanting to hide from the light
Constant themes of smoke and fire. As though hell burned within
‘Nosferatu’ / ‘Sunrise’ like poses of the male lead. Another of Murnau’s flawed men
A kinf od terror on the work, towards this fire, within the seemingly parochial setting
Hugely atmospheric, even the use of the famous shadows
The pacing makes this incredibly powerful; clinging to walls, slow walks
Shots that linger; we don’t see some of the crucial action, deep sadness
Low angle shots of huge amounts of the city; prefigures much
These harsh contrasts provide a stunning backdrop; combined with often unncentered framings, and the lighting, have the figure lost in the city
The occasional uses of the track forward add to this feeling
Though what they really do is add to the almost animalistic part; the rage, the smoke, the whiteness
As though there is an urge for the camera to move forward, a demonic part of Murnau’s work
This really is exceptionally powerful for its milleu
Masterfully told, without intertitles, and deliriously smooth early continuity work, with almost no repititions
Use of impressionist gauzes and superimpositions also add to this
While creating another theme; the two locations, the ‘heaven’ / ‘hell’? ‘Earth’ / ‘Hell’? Dream / Real?
The ending, after the harsh tone, is a surprise
This is really a sensational work; at time brooding, always as though an unassailable power is at work...

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