Saturday, 29 January 2011

Black Swan

Aronofsky's latest, Natalie Portman on screen
amazing how little to say about it
camera basically stuffed up her nose
certain amount of rythmic editing in long takes, of dancing, well done
the following close-up like the wrestler (telephoto)
allows for the space to be shockingly intruded (not too often)
no lead-up really; no character, just horror plot, with horror lighting
not asking for necessary character, but some kind of context would be nice
Portman and Cassell both basically types. Both get to emote, that's it
fantasy sequences are nuts, as is the tone throughout
slight cop-out of what is fantasy/ reality (why any distiniction?)
one theme, one plot, nothing outside of one idea
which isn't really developed on, or thought about, in any sense
pleasure in the horror, not at all boring
pretty inconsequential though

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