Wednesday, 14 April 2010

The Man Who Knew Too Much

Pretty much the definition of minor Hitchcock, this well-plotted piece of storytelling is a good film but no masterpiece.
The tale is told well, if occasioanlly jarringly relying on questionable plot devices, but keeps up the suspense well. We are interesting what is happening, how it will pan out (if we couldn't care less about the annoying brat of a kid). The little comic tricks and contrivances don't exactly enhance the realism but are fun enough, with a few snorts and giggles.
What can one say about Jimmy Stewart? Doris Day does her job adequately. The general look of the cast and area are classic Htichcock i.e. very bouregoise, the violence having more of an 'oddness' to it than a 'horror'. We are never QUITE gripped into spasms of worry and suspense, but are kept amused.
So, obviously a superbly well shot and paced film (individual scenes, looks of the camera at animate objects, are classic Hitchcock genius that no one else can evoke as succesfully), but not one of the directors very finest. One to look out for, if not to desperately seek.

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