Monday, 29 March 2010


Oh dear. This blockbuster comic book adaption, coming from what we hear is actually an interesting comic book and idea, is an awful movie. The end is a begging bowl held out in a wish for a sequel. Let us hope to God the public doesn't bite.
Let us start by saying that their are a few not-awful points. Hell, it's not intensely boring and does keep your attention. There are, as there are to be honest even in the worst hollywood crap, a couple of funny lines. Nicholas Cage at least plays something a bit different, and gets a few laughs. Chloe Grace Moretz (why is she not given top billing?) is marvellous, all criticism excludes her, she gives a fine performance and is refreshing to see a hyoung girl in the hero role (of course, in Japan there are hundreds of such roles, but anyway). The first five minutes look promising. After that though...
At least a traditional high-school movie doesn't lie to you, what is most grating, smashingly annoying, is when a movie says it's being a little bit different, subverting the high school norm, and in fact it turns out to be just a painful as usual. The characters are idiot adolescents, who deserve zip. The female characters are cyphers, offensive in their indulgence of the stupid little boys. Pathetic, staid, wish fulfillment.
The action, the main story, is basically a standard superherp movie. However, the attempt to have some kind of earthy, human element just makes the killing, you know, mass murder. The film has an atrocious philosophy, that it's alright to kill indiscriminately if you are standing up and asserting yourself. This is moral black and white, which jars horribly with the attempt to make it down-to-earth and relaistic in its portrayal of the wannabe superhero. The big action is standard and often tedious, the side-actors aren't worth talking about much.
A poor film, a standard blockbuster with all the rubbish of female characterisation, boredom, and predictability that tag now dentoes. Please avoid.

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