Friday, 8 January 2010

The Darjeeling Limited

An awful, awful film. Like the gaps in a comedy between the jokes. But with no jokes to break up the monotomy. What the hell happened to Wes Anderson? Fanastic Fox is mildly crap as well. We remember Rushmore as charming, Zissou as delightful, but then....oh dear. The American Indie hipper than thou stable are all out pretending to be pretentious idiots, and succeeding, though the moniker falls to the actors themselves rather than their characters. Owen Wilson is especially annoyingly superior. Thanks for the comic book depiction of India, I know it's an outsider's view, but a little bit of understanding would be nice.
And the short film at the start was excrutiatingly annoying. You have to have a pretty bloody good reason for not explaining what's going on, but this had none.
Non-Hollywood movies ditch the Hollyowood structure as their directors should be artists to the extent they can carry it off. When a Hollywood director does it? 99% chance of disaster.

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