Friday 26 February 2010


This mildly tiremsome piece has its' fingers in a lot of pies. With some Clerks style nerd comedy, touches of romance, a good dollop of gangsterism, violence, and to round it off a bit of a slacker ambience.
The problem is that it doesn't really have a stroy, or characters, good enough to engage. The central males are all rather inconsequential (our video store worker) or coherence-bendingly schizophrenic and periodically unpleasant in their actions (We refuse to attribute bad characterisation to a postmodern sensibility) that we struggle, to drag that hoary cliche out, to CARE too deeply about the characters. It all seems rather pointless, and meandering. There is nothing for the viewer to do, just a bunch of scenes rag-tag together.
We are not a fan of the directoral style, the shaky and moving camera added nothing except an unnecessary distraction. And we get that you know alot about films, you're a film director.
This isn't awful, it never embarrases, and is written accurately with faith in the intellignece of the viewer. It just fails to go anywhere, or do anything. Only great films can get away with this.

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